About Nextlevel Ministries


Founded in 2000, Nextlevel Ministries is a non-denominational Christian organization, which exists to provide men and women with the opportunity and means to engage in life-transforming relationships with other men or women through their involvement in a unique small group experience–a Nextlevel Group.

Lyle Johnson (Founder and President) saw a deep need in the lives of Christian men who were walking and living their faith alone.

Through many years of engaging and discipling men to take their faith to the next level, Lyle saw the potential for life-transforming relationships through authentic small group experiences. A small group experience where men could feel a sense of belonging and trust with other Christian brothers and grow in the likeness of Christ. Beginning with one group of 8 men in the year 2000, the ministry has grown to now oversee 65+ groups in the National Capital and 401 region of Ontario, Canada. The ministry has grown to encompass not just being a facilitator of authentic men’s groups, but also a ministry that provides training for group leaders to start their own Nextlevel groups, support for churches, curriculum and vital training materials that will help groups and men thrive.

In 2012, a group of the wives of the men in an Ottawa Nextlevel group said, "we see the change in our husbands and we want to be in a group like this." This was the Genesis of Nextlevel Women which has now grown to oversee 8 Nextlevel Women's Groups.

Our Mission

To provide men with the opportunity to experience life-transforming spiritual friendships with other men.

How we do this

Rescuing Men,
Forming Groups

Very simply, men need other men. It is among our highest priorities to ensure that no man gets left behind. But we have observed that conventional approaches to engage Christian men rarely work.

Nextlevel helps isolated men get into a group with other men who will help them take their "plateaued" life to the next level by encouraging them in their walk with Christ. We help them form highly authentic, intentional, pursuit-oriented relationships.

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Training and Supporting Group Leaders

We spend a lot of time with our Nextlevel Group Leaders. They are on the front lines of ministry to the men in their groups. We have a well-established 12 week leadership training experience for Nextlevel Group Leaders that helps prepare them to effectively lead.

We strive to ensure that they know they are appreciated and that they are having an impact through encouragement, equipping, and empowerment.

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Helping Churches Disciple their Men

Many churches feel stuck when it comes to helping men thrive and lead in their congregations. The conventional men’s breakfasts and BBQs may work to encourage, but they fall short of making disciples.

Nextlevel’s proven communal discipleship model has helped churches in our region start thriving men’s ministries where men are truly discipling and being discipled by one another. If men are not healthy the church will not be healthy.

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Our Values

Lyle Johnson
President and Founder
Steve Andrews
Director of Discipleship and Operations
Ian Habinski
Operations Team
Matthew Gagnier
Operations Team
Marc Bezanson
Operations Team
Steve Collins
Operations Team